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Top tips for making the most of our things ♻️

From what we wear to our furniture and electronics, all of our "stuff" has an impact on the environment. That’s because a lot of energy and resources go into producing, transporting and disposing of the things we buy and own.

By repairing, reusing or recycling our things we can give them a new lease of life, saving us money and helping the environment at the same time.

That's why this month we're sharing ideas, hacks and inspiration for how we can all reduce, reuse, repair and recycle more , from where to buy second-hand in Manchester to celebrating Manchester's community heroes putting the circular economy into practice.

We'd love to hear your top tips too! Follow us on Instagram , Twitter and Facebook to join the conversation & click here to dig straight into our top tips.

Posted on 13th September 2021

by Stine Wilhelmsen