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Meet Clean and Green Castlefield!

Gary started the Clean & Green Castlefield group during the pandemic after wanting to tidy up litter in the local area.

From there, and with the help of Castlefield Forum, the group has now grown into a fully-fledged eco-squad with lots of enthusiasm from the local community. The group’s latest project, a garden at the edge of Castlefield Bowl, illustrates the group’s desire for more green spaces in the city centre and the positive impact they can have on local people.

Speaking on the benefits of green spaces and gardening in the city, Gary said:

“As an individual, I feel that doing this is my best way of taking climate action. It’s about getting people involved, doing a little bit of gardening, being aware of where food comes from and tackling issues such as littering. You learn as a community through community activism.”

“These little pockets of space might not mean much if you look at them individually, but if there were hundreds around the city centre that would really help with climate change. An appreciation of local action will inevitably lead to more action on a regional, national, and international level too.”

“I’d happily admit that I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety as a lot of people do, and it’s not talked about enough. Butthis definitely helps me and gives me that boost. Both in the sense of gardening and doing community work, it makes me feel good. I know one or two people have enjoyed it as a bit of escapism, even if they’ve just come along to dig a few holes and speak to people. These spaces can be really productive too, they can produce vegetables and fruits and herbs, and increase the number of pollinators in the city centre.”

Clean and Green Castlefield run regular litter picking and gardening events which are open to anyone wanting to get involved, so check out their profile here to see what they’re up to!

Posted on 29th July 2022

by Oliver Halstead