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Why is the weather being so weird?

Feel like the weather in Manchester is getting hotter, and even wetter?

You might have guessed it’s climate change, but what exactly is going on? Warm air holds more moisture (think steamy bathroom post-shower) and cold air is drier (think chapped lips in winter). As the planet warms as a result of increased levels of CO2 and greenhouse gases (global warming) more water is evaporating from the sea and land, into the air.

So the air is getting wetter, so what?

More moisture in the air causes heavier rains and fiercer storms - in July last year more rain fell in one hour in parts of London that normally falls in one month. Evaporation of water from the land also dries out the soil. When water falls on hard, dry ground, it runs off it instead of absorbing into the soil. This increases the risk of drought and flooding.

In the past decade, Manchester has experienced several notable floods, and flooding continues to be Manchester’s most prominent extreme weather and climate change risk. Across the world, particularly in the global south, the countries that have contributed the least to emissions could see the largest and most dramatic changes in their weather patterns and suffer the greatest damages.

Just how weird will the weather get?

We don’t really know, because the planet has never experienced this before! A city in a heat wave one day can suddenly snow and have sub-zero temperatures the next day (Denver, Colorado in September 2020). Climate projections suggest that Manchester will face increased heatwaves, hotter summers and wetter, warmer winters (MCCA, 2021).

As global emissions rise, the frequency, extremity and timings of extreme weather patterns will become even more unpredictable – so reducing emissions is key to slowing down the impacts.

Want to take action on climate change? There are lots of things you can do. Get started with these impactful actions - that will also save you money!

Posted on 29th June 2022

by Lizzie Murray-Clark