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Stories We Love - Forest Green Rovers

Sustainability is at the heart of to everything Forest Green Rovers do. Here are some of the ways they are changing the game by bringing climate action centre forward...

The World’s only vegan club

Forest Green Rovers are all about vegan food and less waste (the players even take vegan food to their away matches). They work with Quorn and Oatly to share delicious vegan food at their matches and have introduced a wash and re-use system for all their cups and chip trays this season.

Cutting emissions from travel

Football involves a lot of travel, for both teams and fans, and it’s a one of the biggest sources of carbon emissions. FGR teams use electric coaches and minibuses and they organise group travel for fans to away games. At home, fans are encouraged to cycle or use the park and ride to get to matches.

Bringing nature home

FGR’s organic pitch not only captures rainwater and recycles it back for when they water it, it’s also managed without chemicals and pesticides and has a wildflower boarder to boost biodiversity. They even have their own beehive!

Reducing energy and plastics

FGR have solar panels that provide 20% of their annual electric needs and the rest comes from renewable sources and carbon neutral gas. They also work with the Sea Shepherd campaign to stop plastics from entering the ocean, by avoiding single-use plastics and using refillable bottles.

To find out more about Forest Green Rovers and their sustainability initiatives, head here

Posted on 25th November 2022

by Oliver Halstead