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Here's how individuals, businesses and governments can make a difference this Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day! šŸŒŽā 

ā This year Earth Day is highlighting how we need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably). And itā€™s going to take all of us taking action each and every day - Businesses, governments, and citizens. A partnership for the planet.

1) Individuals

We all have the power to create positive change in Manchester and as the old saying goes, anytime is a good time to start! Check out these 5 pledges you can take today . From buying second-hand, to cycling more, all of our actions add up to help make a difference. Trust us, it's easier than you think!ā 

2) Businesses

Businesses have a crucial role to pave the way in tackling climate change. This will require long term commitment and strategy, but can be lead by small, short-term actions.ā  Here are 5 actions Businesses can take this Earth Day (and every other day).ā 

3) Write to your MP or Councillor to push for government action

With local elections coming up, now is a great chance to have your voice heard and inspire your MP or Councillor to take action on climate change.ā 

ā Writing an email or letter to them is an important way to show public demand, push for change and with it being Earth Day thereā€™s no better time - weā€™ve done the hard work for you! Use this template to email or write to your MP today.

Want some more ways to help tackle climate change?

Whilst we canā€™t solve climate change on our own, together we can make a huge difference. Check out our "tips for change" page for resources and inspiration for you to live more sustainably, whilst having fun, saving money and getting outdoors.

Posted on 22nd April 2022

by Lizzie Murray-Clark